김덕수[KIM, DUKSOO] / 예술감독
현 한국예술종합학교 전통예술원 연희과 교수
현 사단법인 사물놀이 한울림 예술감독
현 한국전통연희단체 총연합회 이사장
1959 전국농악경연대회 대통령상 수상
1961 전국농악경연대회 개인상
1995 국민훈장 목련장 수훈
1998 조선일보 선정 “대한민국 50년을 빛낸 50인” 선정
2001 제 4회 일맥문화대상 나라빛냄상
2002 한국방송대상 개인상(국악인상) 수상
한·일 월드컵 공로 대통령상 표창
일·한 문화교류기금상 수상
2004 민주평화통일 유공자문위원회 의장 표창 대통령상
2007 국민훈장은관문화훈장 / 후쿠오카 아시아 문화상
2014 교육부장관상 수상
2016 방일영국악상 수상
[교재발간 및 저서 ]
1. “사물놀이 교칙본 1 - 장고의 기본” (1990, 삼호출판사)
2. “사물놀이 교칙본 2 - 삼도 설장고가락 :학습편” (1993, 삼호출판사)
3. “사물놀이 교칙본 3 - 삼도 설장고가락 :연주편” (1995, 삼호출판사)
4. “사물놀이의 기초 1 - 영남농악” (1994, 、94 국악의 해 조직위원회)
5. “사물놀이의 기초 2 - 웃다리풍물”(1994, 、94 국악의 해 조직위원회)
6. “사물놀이의 기초 3 - 설장고가락” (1994, 、94 국악의 해 조직위원회)
7. 글로벌 광대 김덕수 신명으로 세상을 두드리다(김영사2007)
[ 음 반 ]
2. SAMULNORI (1986.11.)
5. MEGADRUMS (1988)
8. PAN-NORI(1988)
10.Then Comes the White Tiger(1994)
11.난장 –뉴호라이즌(1995)
12.김덕수 사물놀이(결정판)(1995)
13.From the Earth, to the Sky (1996)
14.미스터 장고 - KIM DUK SOO WITH HIS FRIENDS(1997)
15.청배請拜- Spirit of Nature (2001)
16. 김덕수 예인인생 50주년 기념공연 ‘길’(2007)
한울림예술단은 젊은이들을 주축으로 하여 사물놀이를 확대 발족한 예술단이다. 김덕수 예술감독을 중심으로 ‘사물놀이’라는 한국 고유의 공연과 교육을 통해 세계 시장에 뿌리내리는 민간 예술단으로 활약하고 있다. 우리 고유 전통 연희의 힘찬 몸짓과 호흡으로 민족 문화의 부흥과 대중화를 위한 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다.
SamulNori Hanullim
Performing Art Troupe
Kim Duk Soo SamulNor i ensemble founded SamulNori Hanullim Performing Art Troupe in 1993 with goal of better preserving and promoting the diverse Korean traditional arts including SamulNori through performances, research, and education.
Not only has reinvigorated Korea's entire tradition of folk music, this group has expanded its musical boundaries from the very tradition to the very contemporary, performing on over 3000 stages through out the globe.
Artistically directed by Kim, Duk-Soo (artistic director) and Hong, Yun-Gi (chief artistic manager) those who originated the group of SamulNori, SamulNori Hanullim Performing Art Troupe consist of SamulNori ensembles, Korean traditional performing arts troupe, and contemporary Super NanJang Band.
KIM DUK SOO [Artistic Director, SamulNori]
The word “genius” should not be used to describe an individual with extraordinary talents, but rather an individual who uses those talents to inspire the best from those around him. In this sense, “genius” is a fit appellation for the leader of the Korean percussion ensemble SamulNori. Kim Duk Soo was born in Daejeon, Chungcheong Province in 1952. He inherited the artistic mastery of his father, Kim Mun Hak, who was the virtuoso bukgunori (small drum) player of Namsadang, the itinerant entertainers of bygone years.
At the age of seven, he was awarded the prestigious President’s Award in the National Folk Music Contest, and became known as a child prodigy of the drums. This award marked the beginning of an exceptional personal career that has taken him to almost every corner of the world. Great masters, such as Do Il Yang, Yong Yoon Nam, and Soon Gap Song, taught him the janggo (hourglass drum) and the kkwaenggwari (small gong). He later studied theory and learned to play various instruments from different Korean traditional musicians at the Korean Traditional Music and Performing Arts School in Seoul. He attended one year of college before the demands of his professional life took over. Aside from his talents as a performer, he has managed, directed and created numerous productions involving not only music, but also dance and theatre.
With the formation of SamulNori in 1978, his life took on new artistic dimensions. There were four fundamental reasons for forming the group: to research more extensively the traditional music of Korea, to study the music and instruments (especially percussion instruments) of other musical traditions, to create new music and to provide educational opportunities for students to learn Korean music.
Kim Duk Soo has been recognized as one of the fifty most influential figures in Korea during the past five decades. For Kim Duk Soo, drumming is an intensely spiritual experience and serves as an inspirational source for SamulNori. This has led to the establishment of SamulNori Hanullim, a non-profit organization, through which he hopes to realize his threefold objective of creating new music based on traditional Korean rhythms, refining its methodology and pedagogy, and of training of the next generation of musicians.